Stories about Dependent Elderly at COVID-19 time

Stories about Dependent Elderly at COVID-19 time


Stories about dependent elderly at Covid – 19 time”


In countries that are affected by corona-virus (Covid – 19), the elderly population have been obliged to become self-isolated for a long period of time. This social isolation turned into a serious public health concern, as the elderly have to deal with new emotional parameters such as increased anxiety and depression.

Social care services are highly associated with health insurance and social welfare. In Greece neglect is connected with lack of support, aid and healthcare. (Lira-Soufliou, 2014). What increases the feelings of fear in the elderly is the inability to see or visit persons whom they love, such as children, grandchildren or other relatives (Prolepsis institute, 2020).

Following statements prove what is written above:

Anastasia, 70 years old

“What depressed me the most is the fact that I could not spent time with my beloved grandchildren. I used to be with them all day and now I feel like my life is almost meaningless”.

Mrs Anastasia is 70 years old and she helped bring up her grandchildren, as her children worked so many hours. She needs psychological and social support as the circumstances enhance her pre-existing problems.

Antigoni, 85 years old

Antigoni is 85 years old and she lives in a village close to Patras city. The major problem is that she is totally dependent on her children for everyday needs as she is unable to look after herself. Her children live in the next village about 15 klm away. She feels terrified and isolated as far as financial and health care are concerned. Her only communication is through telephone which lasts some minutes daily and cannot cover her needs and decrease her fears. Welfare and social healthcare is so imperative but unfortunately the existing facilities so deficient.

Panagiota, 80  years old

She lives in a village, where there is only a doctor visiting it three times a week to offer  basic care such as medical support. A month ago her husband had a heart-attack and passed away. Since then the feelings of insecure and loneliness increased her fears for everyday life. Her only support is from her neighbors. “When I am in need for medical care I usually ask someone who lives close to me to take me to the doctor”.


Ioannis, 79 years old

He suffers from chronic diseases. His family used to take care of him. His exact words are “My children want to help me but they have their daily program, their jobs and their own problems. After so many months of being home isolated they managed to take me to the village for a walk”.


The elderly population in Greece is not so conversant with technology and online services. The vast majority feels insecure to use the internet and make the necessary transactions online. Because of this, when the covid-19 appeared the everyday life of the elderly became a risk, not only financially but emotionally as well. Thus, the need for protection and support became social demand.



  • Lira-Loufliou,2015, “Home-care for Elderly”, Senior-thesis E.I
    Anatolikis Makedonias and Thrakis, University Health and Care – Nursing Department
  • Prolepsis Institute, 2019, “New Initiative for the elderly support”